How To Write Money Affirmations

A money affirmation is a short, sweet way to tell yourself how wonderful you are and how much you deserve to live life in the moment.

They can be funny, emotional, and/or inspiring and can be written in any language, including death penalty-worthy, but not-for-everyone words.

They can help you feel motivated and confident when you don’t have an abundance of money (aka stage homeless). They can also help you feel motivated and confident when you do have an amount of money (aka happy).

The more generic the better. If you know very specific actions that you can take for example buying a coffee every morning or walking to school each day, write those down too.

The more concrete the better. If you give your house a name such as John Smith’s House, then in your mind’s eye we can see that this is an exact representation of what it looks like outside.

Desired money amount

how to write money affirmations

Now, let’s talk about how to write an affirmation that corresponds with the amount you want to pay off your debt. The best way to do this is to start with a small goal and work your way up.

Start out by writing down how much you want to pay off your debt every month. Then, calculate how much you’ll need each week to stay on track. For example, if you owe $200 each week for 4 weeks, then you would need $200 every other day to stay on track.

Once you have your estimated amount of money left over each week, let’s figure out how we can use that money to help pay off our debt.

The first place we should look is at our bank account. Most banks give customers telecommunication accounts called cell phones that they can connect to their accounts via phone. If you have a smart phone, connect it here!

Then, go shopping at all the shops that offer credit card payment and shipping services so you can put your money into circulation.

Desired money amount

how to write money affirmations

Now, let’s write an affirmation that will help you express what you want to say to money. Write down your desired amount of money in the space below.

How much do you want to earn? If you are looking to make lots of money, then it is time to write down a desirable amount of money that you want to have. You can use this amount of money as your downline payment or investment for your future business and personal growth.

This number of dollars represents your desired goal, and when you talk to people about business or yourself, this number is usually expressed in terms of years of work or measure of success.

When making investments, try not to look at whether or not the transaction is fast or slow, because those are not factors for choosing which deal to buy and which to sell. Buyers and sellers alike know that the right deal will help them achieve their goals quickly enough.

Desired money amount

Next, write down how much you want to make each day. It’s important to make a difference between your daily budget and how much you will make in your weekly budget.

In the middle of the week, Sunday night before bed, and throughout the week you’ll add money to your balance as you go. This is part of creating consistency in yourself as well as building confidence in your self-confidence.

By making a difference between what you want and what you have, you will create more patience and tolerance towards things that may not be perfect, thus leading to better writing habits overall.

Having this amount set will help prevent creativity from dying down or slipping due to lack of funding. It also helps prevent any type of inflationary effect on the company or product, helping it stay consistent and strong.

Desired money amount

how to write money affirmations

now that you’re ready to write your money affirmations, let’s talk about what amount you should say you want to give away in your affirmations.

For example, if you want to give away $5,000, then write down the following sentence: I want to donate $5,000 in my money affirmation.

Now let’s talk about how much you want to give away in your affirmation. Then, when you sprinkle your donation into your life, the universe will help make it a reality!

You can make your donations through banks, charities, or simply by spending more money than you usually do. Any of these will help You can make your donations through banks, charities, or simply by spending more money than you usually do. Any of these will help create a change in your life and finances.

Desired money amount

how to write money affirmations

Now, let’s talk about wanted amounts. We want to give our lives purpose, right? That’s what we do for a living, right?

If you look back at the past few years, there has been a surge in people attempting to provide some purpose to their lives by working. You have small businessesongoing-businesses that are legal and run by someone who is actually paid to do so.

Some of these businesses are very successful and draw huge crowds every single day. You can live a highly productive, happy life by joining one of these!

Many people feel like they need to make a certain amount of money per day in order to live a comfortable life, but that’s not the right idea missing here is being more specific.

We want our money affirmations to be as clear as possible.

Desired money amount

how to write money affirmations

Now, let’s write down what you want to give away before you die. You can do it now, but that’s going to cost a lot of money, so we will do it later.

What I want?

I want $10,000.

What I have?

I have a house that I paid $500 per month for years and years ago when I was in college. It was a good house then, but now it is a good house.

It has been my home for almost 20 years, and I have worked hard for it. It is what makes me happy here at home, and I would not change anything about it.

Desired money amount

how to write money affirmations

Now, let’s write down what you want money to be. It can be anything from large to small. For example, you can say you want a million dollars in money now, but not later.

For example, you can write that you want a million dollars in money now, with your next breath held. It’s important to include the date in your affirmations.

It’s also important to include weight fluctuations and other changes that occur within you because of having more money. For example, I noticed that when I started paying for things with my newly acquired money, I got more confident about shopping and buying things.

This confidence helped me realize that I could order whatever item or service I wanted online and pay for it with my new cash flow.

Deshireed money amount

how to write money affirmations

Write down how much you want to spend this month. concentrate on how much you don’t spend- make a record of how many dollars you spent yesterday, last week, and last month.

Put a stop to it. Create a goal of what amount you want to spend this month and then just keep spending more and more until you reach your goal.

You can do this easily if you first create an allowance for yourself – for example, let’s say that I set myself an allowance of $500 for the month. Once I reach that amount, I can start spending money without giving it much thought due to the fact that I have already set myself a limit on how much I will spend in one day ($500).

By having a limit on how much money I will spend each day, I am more aware of how much I will spend because of this allowance.