How Many Times Should I Repeat An Affirmation

Sometimes we get so focused on trying to convince ourselves of something that we forget how hard it is for someone else to believe in us. We can become too obsessed with proving our own strength, which only makes us feel weaker instead.

This article will talk about why this technique does not work and some ways to use affirmations in your life. This was discussed in detail in my article “The Power of Positive Thinking”, if you need a refresher!

This new article will go into more depth though by talking about what types of affirmations are and aren’t helpful, as well as some examples. So let’s dive in and learn all about them!

Affirmations are usually short statements or questions designed to make you think about yourself, or create feelings within you. By thinking about these thoughts, they influence your brain chemistry and subconscious mind where most negative thought patterns reside. The goal is to change the way you respond to those thoughts, not eliminate them entirely.

Some people perceive affirmations as fake or meaningless fluff, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Using positive language has been shown to have powerful effects on mood and behavior, especially when done consistently.

There are several reasons using affirmative prayers/statements isn’t quite right, but the main one is they don’t work.

Twice as many

Man in White Crew Neck Shirt Beside Woman in White Crew Neck Shirt

We tend to repeat things, whether it’s a word or a sentence, twice as much when we feel that there is something missing from our lives.

We say “I should do this more often” or “I need to do that more frequently” even though we are doing one of these things already. This habit can get very expensive if you run into problems while trying to achieve your goal.

If you want to see changes in your life, then you have to work on your mindset too. You will not make any progress unless you acknowledge how hard your current lifestyle is and what you would like to change about yourself.

By using affirmations and positive thinking, you can begin changing your mental state right away. Plus, both techniques require no resources other than your own voice!

How to use negative thoughts for motivation

It may sound strange, but thinking negatively about your situation can be a good way to motivate yourself to do something you have been putting off.

Negative thoughts help break down barriers that keep you from moving forward. For example, if you were planning to go to the gym today, think about all the reasons why you cannot afford to exercise.

Then, replace those reasons with ones that are more important to you, such as spending time with your family or saving enough money to buy yourself a treat.

Multiply the number of times by 2

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

It is important to repeat your affirmations out loud or write them down on a note, word for word several times per day. Doing so will help increase confidence in yourself and your goal, and may even help provoke some positive changes within you or reactions from others.

It’s easy to just think about all of the things that you want, but actually going through with it and saying those thoughts out loud seems more powerful.

Your mind can sometimes find reasons to avoid taking action, and telling itself “I already said this thing before,” or “My doctor told me not to do this,” are common ways it does this. By repeating your affirmation again, you are creating additional mental barriers that can be broken down and removed.

Repetition is a helpful tool in improving self-confidence and perception of yourself. And we know that being aware and conscious of yourself is one of the keys to changing how you feel about yourself.

Repeat as needed

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

It is important to understand that your subconscious mind does not care about true, lasting changes unless it gets the right amount of exposure to them. This means you do not need to repeat the same affirmation every day for it to work.

Instead, just like with any other skill, you can keep re-doing the affirmation until your body learns the new message.

Every now and then, someone will say something that puts you in touch with part of yourself that you have forgotten about. A familiar truth or lesson has been spoken to you again so easily.

You feel it. You learn from it. Sometimes quickly.

This is because our instinctual self is always aware, but there are times when extra attention is given to such messages. A reminder may be exactly what you need at this moment. So take some time each day to let these insights sink in before moving onto the next thing.

Does this mean we should only think about improving ourselves once a week? Absolutely not! We must constantly challenge ourselves, thinking about how we could better ourselves. Thinking about changing certain things helps create more awareness which help you along the journey.

But we need breaks too, otherwise we would never rest or grow. Having days where nothing special happens removes those opportunities.

Too many times can be harmful

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

It’s great to have goals, but having too many makes you feel overwhelmed. You may even start avoiding them because you feel that you will fail. Or you may keep trying to push through and do as much as you can, without taking breaks or re-evaluating your efforts.

Either of these is not good for your overall health and wellness. We all need breaks from work to focus on something else for a bit, and it helps us recharge our batteries.

On the other hand, when we are constantly working towards things that we believe are important to us, this can help motivate us to keep going until we achieve our goal.

It also reminds us that we don’t want what we have, we grow into it over time. Living with no sense of progress can become boring, which sets a tone of stagnation. This does not serve anyone well.

Find what works for you

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

A lot of people struggle with this concept, but it’s important to remember that your thoughts influence your brain and body. So, whether it be a simple thought like “I can’t do anything right” or a more complex one such as “My life is totally out of control,” those beliefs will have an effect on your perception of yourself and your belief system.

By thinking about how you’re not able to succeed in certain areas of your life, you’ll begin to feel limited. You’ll start to believe that you cannot accomplish your goals, and therefore you give up. This isn’t a good way to feel about yourself.

On the other hand, if you constantly think about all of the things you could possibly do, you’ll create a sense of empowerment. You’ll feel happier and more confident in your ability to achieve your dreams.

Speak with emotive power

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

It is very important to use your voice correctly when repeating affirmations. When speaking about yourself or your goals, you should use the first person “I” or the second person “you” instead of using third person pronouns such as “he” and “she”.

By using the first person “I”, you are more aware of what you are saying and how it makes you feel. You can also add emotion to your speech by changing how you say things and how you emphasize certain words.

For example, if your goal is to read one book per week, you could start off saying something like “My goal this week is to read a book” or “This week my goal is to read a book”.

However, most people do not know how to use their voice effectively, so they will repeat the affirmation several times until it feels right.

Positive affirmations work

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

It’s impossible to make positive changes in your life without using positivity! Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can have incredible effects on your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Many people start developing this habit during early adulthood when things are going well and they begin to feel comfortable with their lifestyle. Then something happens and they get hit hard – a loss at work, a hurt relationship, or disease diagnosis. At these times, negative thoughts take over and it becomes difficult to think about doing anything other than giving up.

That’s why it’s important to establish a routine of positive thinking for those times you need it most. Learning how to use positive affirmations effectively will ensure that your mind remains focused on solving the problem, not giving up.

There are two main reasons why positive affirmations work. The first is because they rewire our brains by changing the way we respond to daily challenges. The second is due to the fact that they reduce stress, boost confidence, and help us focus.

Start practicing today by picking one affirmation you want to test out. Have someone do a mini-interview with yourself – ask yourself if the affirmation holds true and then evaluate its effectiveness. If you’re still skeptical, try repeating the affirmation out loud and see what effect it has.

You should say it as a reminder

how many times should i repeat an affirmation

It is important to re-phrase your affirmations out loud, this way you are ensuring that your mind understands them. This also helps in establishing consistency when saying the affirmation.

It is easy to just think about what you want, but without talking about these goals with yourself, you will never actually reach them. By having direct conversation with yourself, you are helping your brain process the message more effectively.

Your subconscious mind does not listen to the voice box so why would it? Re-creating the messages time and again gives your nervous system enough exposure to recognize and believe in the statement.

By using repetition as a tool, you can strengthen the influence of those statements in your psyche.