How Do Money Affirmations Work

The term money affirmation was first used in the 1980s by Mark Raskino, a money coach. He used it to describe a set of beliefs that helped people achieve their goals.

He named them money affirmations and they went like this: when you think about how much money you want, you subconsciously feel better about yourself and your goals. This creates more confidence to perform in life as a whole.

They were common in the 1980s and 1990s but have recently gone mainstream due to the growing size of the population that is looking for ways to improve their self-confidence.

Today, there are many versions of money affirmations but the basic ones include: when you think about living alone, it makes you feel happier; when you think about how much child care costs, you feel less stressedabout being away from your children; and when you think about how much tax shelter is worth, you feel more aware of your finances.

Make it clear how much you want

how do money affirmations work

Once you have your new money affirmation, it is time to make sure your system knows how to use it. You can do this by creating a reminder to follow the line of the statement with, by linking it to your online account, or by having a note in your wallet or phone.

If you are changing your money affirmation often, keeping a few dollars in your new affirmation can help ensure you are remembering and integrating the message.

To link the statement to your online account, you must have an internet connection. If you are not super computer savvy, having a linked note in a textbook or guide book can work fine. Just be careful that you do not lose this note!

Finally, make sure that you know what these messages mean if we understand them correctly.

Make it clear how much you believe you will get

how do money affirmations work

Your money affirmation should be marked by a high level of conviction. You can’t dial into a money affirmation that is not true and feel successful.

That’s why it is so important to make your money affirmations clear. You can’t say, “I will get paid $1,000 per month in income forever.” You have to say, “I will get paid $1,000 per month in income forever.”

You have to say that clearly enough for your subconscious mind to understand it. But don’t worry if you don’t- you can still make your statement clear to yourself after you make it.

After you make your money affirmation, take a moment to write down what you believe it means. Then compare those statements to what you really mean them to mean.

Create money affirmations

how do money affirmations work

When you feel stuck or stressed out, don’t try to change anything, instead focus on how you feel and why you feel the way that you do.

In your mind, create a new world where things work out for you and that is what you want. You can’t put it into action right away, so don’t worry about it at this point.

Just think about what you want and how much money and time you want to give to get it. Then write them down, preferably in a list form.

When you feel relaxed and happy in your new world, then things will start working out for you! Your subconscious will start to use these thoughts and feelings to change things from the inside out.

This process can go on for months, until everything is exactly how you want it – of course if your demands are lower then mine.

Run them on autopilot

how do money affirmations work

By default, your mind will run money affirmations on its own, without you being able to control them. This is how the world recommends you spend your time, by default.

Many people Struggle to create and stick to money affirmations that they feel are meaningful and supporting. So how can you make this support become a flow of energy that supports and motivate you to succeed in your life?

The answer is by using the same kind of affirmation in an automated way. We call this type of statement a money affirmation. The difference between a human-made money affirmation and an automated one is that the former must be repeated more than the latter must be done on its own.

By default, your mind will run money affirmations on its own, without you being able to control them. This is how the world recommends you spend your time, by default.By using the same kind of affirmation in an automated way. We call this type of statement a money management strategy . The difference between a human-made money management strategy and an automated one is that the former must be repeated more than the latter must be done on its own.

Speak to yourself as if you were already rich

how do money affirmations work

This is one of the greatest secrets of money affirmations. When you talk to yourself as if you were already rich, you will automatically make yourself feel more confident in your own ability to achieve and maintain success.

It’s like having a conversation with a friend who’s just arrived at the airport with their car parked outside. You can tell that he’s confident in his own abilities to drive and pick up food, but he can’t help but feel nervous when he talks to you.

This is how we talk to ourselves about money. We say things like “I earn a good wage,” or “I would never need to work for money,” but in the background we hear the words: “I am capable of achieving this goal,” and “ I am confident in my ability to succeed.”

This simple step can have a dramatic effect on our self-confidence and motivation, making us feel like we are really winning at our own game.

Visualize yourself with your wallet full of money

how do money affirmations work

In this money visualization, you imagine having a whole new set of habits and behaviors that are focused on paying bills and saving money.

They’re called money affirmations because you tell yourself that if you don’t buy something or pay someone, then you will save more money or keep a budget.

By saying to yourself that you won’t buy anything unless you see something expensive displayed on TV or hear someone talking about it, you make it easier to follow through by keeping your mind made up.

You can also say to yourself that if you don’t see or hear anything expensive, then you must be making good progress in your goal of saving money.

When you combine the words with an action such as “walking the dog” or “going for a walk in the park,” the task becomes more concrete. This helps make the statements harder to quit otherwise.

Feel the feeling of having money

how do money affirmations work

When you make financial decisions based on how much money you want to have, you are also sending signals to your subconscious mind.

If you want more money than you have, you may be spending money you don’t have to acquire it. If you don’t want to spend money than doesn’t have cash attached to it, thenyou are probably spending more than you should becauseyou don’thave that much money.

By having an amount of money that feels comfortable to me, I feel like I can handle any unplanned expenses I might encounter. I can stay calm and confident when I know that I have enough funds left.

Repeat steps 4-8 daily

how do money affirmations work

In between each day of your money affirmation, write down the next day’s affirmation in a new document. This will help you remember to keep up the affirmation throughout the week.

By repeating the affirmations daily, you will be creating a cycle that helps you work towards your goals. You are also establishing habit formation, which is an added benefit.

This can be done between 8 and 12 hours per day, every day of the week. You can do this before breakfast, lunch, or dinner time and make sure to include some fruit or vegetables with your meal.

This is not a hard skill to learn but once you get started it can continue to come back as easy as before. Many people start by being positive about $20 dollars at a time, then slowly increase.