How To Say Your Affirmations

When you put your intentions into actions, they have a better chance of happening. I’ll be more likely to exercise if I make time for it, or if I wake up early every morning to do my workout before work, or if I pack my lunch instead of buying food at a restaurant, etc.

By having these commitments, I create extra pressure to actually follow through with them. If I don’t, then I’ve wasted my hard work! And we all know how important it is to keep ourselves motivated sometimes.

So why not use this logic when trying to achieve your dreams? By establishing repeated practices that reward yourself for success, you are setting up positive expectations and rewards.

Successes give you small boosts of energy and confidence while failures can set you back physically and mentally. Either way, you’re still walking out of the room/office/house feeling accomplished and proud of yourself.

A lot of people start working towards their dream job after college, but they never take the next step by adding in an additional skill — like writing. Or leadership. Being able to write well and improve your communication skills will help you become a leader one day.

There are many ways to say your affirmations, and depending on the tone and style you want to convey, there’s a right way to do it.

Use positive language

A motivational affirmation is any sentence that starts with the word “I” or “You.” The first part of the statement should be about you, the second person as opposed to the third person (he/she). For example, your own personal success-affirmation could be: “I am successful because I believe in myself.”

Your affirmation can be a quote, something classical like “Success has its roots in failure,” or it can be your own thoughts and beliefs about what makes you successful. It does not have to make sense, but it must be clear and strong.

Keep your affirmations short and simple; no need for complex grammatical structures. Two words are enough if they inspire you! When trying out an affirmation, start with one phrase and then add another layer later. Take your time to feel how effective it is before adding more to it.

General mental health theories suggest that repetition helps learn new information and changes subconscious attitudes and behaviors.

Be specific

how to say your affirmations

All too often, people will say something like “I am happy” or “Everything is going great right now,” without any additional information.

If you want to see true changes in your life, then you have to be more precise with what you are trying to achieve.

For example, saying that you are happy when you wake up in the morning doesn’t make much sense does it? You might as well just stay asleep!

So how about instead of stating things such as “I need to be happier,” why not try saying “Today I will learn how to feel happier.” Or maybe “I will work on my happiness today.”

Such statements give more detail, and can help you get some results. The key word here being ‘today.’

You must stick to this rule for one month at least. After that, you can decide whether you want to continue with the program or not.

But for an initial goal, setting a deadline can really boost motivation.

Use powerful words

how to say your affirmations

Saying your affirmation out loud can be fun, but it must contain strong, powerful words that have meaning for you.

Many people start with “I am” or “My body is beautiful,” but none of these really mean anything unless you attach them to something else.

For example, saying “my body is beautiful” without adding “and I will eat enough food today” doesn’t inspire much confidence in the eating department!

Likewise, saying “I am” without linking it to an action does not help you get things done.

By this token, there are many people who use the word “affirmation” as a way to take away their motivation. You need to understand that affirmations work by changing how you feel about yourself, so they should actually make you like yourself more.

Instead of making a vague statement, try creating a specific one. For instance, instead of just stating “I love myself,” describe some behaviors or qualities of yours that you appreciate about yourself.

Say it out loud

how to say your affirmations

After you have your affirmation, say it out loud! This is an important part of creating internal change or ditching old habits.

When saying your affirmations, be sure to speak slowly and clearly. If there are parts that you feel like skipping, then don’t! Keep reading your affirmation until you sense that you have enough of a rest before moving onto the next one.

Some people begin with the word “I” and then add their affirmation, but this isn’t necessary. You can simply put yourself in place of I and then state what you want to achieve for yourself.

Your thoughts are powerful, so make sure to work them into a positive situation. When saying your affirmation, use the same tone as if you were talking about someone else. For example, if your affirmation was ‘My life will always win a prize,’ then your own voice would need to sound more confident than if you were telling someone else their life has not been worthy yet.

Practice makes perfect

how to say your affirmations

A lot of people get overwhelmed with all of the different ways to say your affirmations. There are many strategies and tricks you can use to help you achieve your goal. However, none of that matters if you don’t practice your affirmation every day!

Practicing affiramtions is like working out for weight loss or muscle growth – it needs to be done consistently every day to work. Even though there isn’t a hard and fast rule about how much time you should spend on your affirmtion workout, I would recommend at least 15 minutes each day.

That is enough time to really focus on what you want and to strengthen your belief in yourself. Plus, you will have made time in your day for yourself, which is important when you feel tired or stressed-out. It will also give you some relief from other stressors in your life.

Use the “I” statement

how to say your affirmations

One of the most effective ways to say your affirmations is to do it as a process. You can start by saying the affirmation out loud, then moving onto the next one. Or you can write down your affirmations and read them out slowly.

Once you have that down, you will want to create a routine for yourself to say your affirmations every day. This could be twice a day, or once at night before bed.

You will want to set a time frame for each affirmation. For example, if your affirmation is “My life has great momentum right now,” you would not just say this at any time. Rather you would wait until after your workout to say this, or in between meals while eating.

At the beginning stages, you may need to try out different times of when to say your affirmation. You can add the reminder into your daily schedule later if needed.

Make it personal

how to say your affirmations

When you want to change something, make changing that thing more important than how much you like or dislike what you are being asked to do.

If your goal is to spend less money, then spending less money is not as motivating as saving one dollar to buy a drink after work.

Having an incentive that has little importance can sometimes be a reason people don’t succeed in their goals.

It could also be the reason they give up because it isn’t very motivating!

So make changes that matter to you. Add foods to your cart at the grocery store if you want to lose weight, and stick to your budget if you want to save money.

Whatever you choose, invest time into it with motivation and intensity. Don’t just try to spend less money every day, set a goal to spend no money tomorrow.

Use positive emotions

how to say your affirmations

A successful way to say your affirmations is by using positive emotional tones. You can use any of these types of energy to say your affirmation.

The most common type of positive emotion used for this purpose is gratitude. When you are grateful, you are thinking about all of the things that you have which make you feel happy or confident.

You could be grateful for the new job that has just been announced, or someone who has done something special for you. You can also be grateful for what you already have, such as your health or some money in your wallet.

By being thankful, you will find yourself feeling happier and more confident. It’s like a tonic for mental wellness.

Another very common positive mood is hope. If you believe in yourself and life, you can add little bits of hope here and there.

Maybe you read an article about how to do something well, so you go out and try it? Or maybe you talked with a friend who confirmed that you were smart enough.

A few small drops of hope can help you get going and strengthen your confidence.

I know from experience because I practiced saying my own self-affirmation statements for quite a long time.

When I was in high school, I would tell myself “I am lucky to be living my life at this moment.” Then later I would repeat, “Living each day to the fullest.