How Many Affirmations At Once

A lot of people say that you can create your own luck, but creating your own stream of success takes work, diligence and preparation.

The thing is though, if you don’t prepare for anything, you won’t get anywhere. You have to be conscious about what you are putting into your brain and body.

You have to make sure you are investing in yourself and not just spending time with people who agree with everything you already believe.

By having these things, you will know how to recognize an opportunity when it comes along and you will always be prepared.

There’s no need to feel like you’re setting yourself apart from other people, however – this doesn’t mean you should try to blend in and forget you exist.

Your personal brand will something that people notice and remember you for, so choose carefully but firmly stick to things that matter to you.

Here are some tips for using affirmations effectively.

Personalize them

how many affirmations at once

A personalization method is to write your affirmations as if they were someone else’s words.

Instead of saying, “I will succeed in business this year,” you would say, “Asa will succeed in his career next month.”

This removes the word ‘will’ from the statement, making it more believable. Your success does not belong to you – it belongs to someone else! Using this personalization technique, you are giving permission for that person to achieve their goal.

Your success doesn’t belong to you- it belongs to everyone else! By changing the wording, you take away some of the stress that might be holding people back. This can help you to unlock hidden potential.

Practice saying them

how many affirmations at once

After all, thoughts influence your emotions, which in turn influence your behavior. So if you want to see changes in your life, how you think about yourself and your goals must change as well!

Running through a list of affirmations is one of the best ways to achieve this. You can do it once or many times until you feel relaxed and comfortable with them.

You may even be able to do them while asleep, although that’s usually not very successful. (Too much thinking!)

The most effective way to use mental affirmation practices like this is by starting with only one thing you want to change and then building from there.

So, for example, if you want to lose weight, start with “I will lose weight” and then add onto that “My body will get thinner due to my hard work.” etc.

We’d recommend doing this exercise for a few days before adding another goal into the mix.

Record yourself

how many affirmations at once

Recording your affirmations can be done in person, via video or audio stream, or through written notes. If you are more of a visual learner, then recording a voice lesson will be the most effective way to do this.

You can make your recording free using Google Voice or another phone number dedicated for use as an online streaming service like YouTube. You can also use Yoursify, which is a free website where you can record your own speech that gets synced across all major smartphone apps (such as Facebook, Slack, and Twitter).

Some people prefer writing down their affirmations because it does not require technology, but many feel it is more powerful when spoken out loud. It depends on what style works best for you!

Using a device with Wi-Fi connection allows you to easily upload and sync your recordings anywhere.

Use a voice coach

how many affirmations at once

When it comes to affirmations, how many you use per day or week depends on several things: your tone, your volume, and what kind of result you want to see change.

Tone is important because your own internal voice can either boost your confidence or put you in a negative mood. For this reason, using a voice coach will help you create more effective affirmative statements.

A good coach will help you learn how to relax your body, breath, and mind so that the message you send to yourself is not stress-induced. They may also suggest positive self-talk as an alternative to traditional affirmation practices.

General tips for using affirmations include using short, simple sentences and creating space between each statement so that the reader has time to process what you have said before moving onto the next one.

Use a meditation app

how many affirmations at once

When it comes to affirmations, how many you have going at once is dependent on two things: your brain’s ability to process the information and whether or not you are using the right tone.

The number of affirmations you add in a given period depend on the amount of time it takes your brain to process the new information. This includes the different steps involved in thinking about and then saying the affirmation out loud.

If you do this too quickly, your mind will not have enough time to work through the affirmation and instead focus more on the words than what the message means.

This can be confusing and sometimes even frustrating because you want the positive feeling that affirmation should bring but you get distracted by the process.

Taking longer breaks between adding an affirmation helps your brain relax and connects with the message better. This also gives you more time to think about the implications of the statement before responding.

Use positive reinforcement

how many affirmations at once

A lot of people will tell you to make as many affirmations as possible every day, which can be fun to do if you are someone who enjoys making bold statements or talking about self-improvement.

However, this isn’t the best way to use your affirmation skills. In fact, it’s not even close to the most effective way to use them.

What makes a better choice is using a series of affirmative thoughts instead of one big statement. This is called “using positive reinforcement.” You feel more relaxed when you add a bit of white noise into your mind that helps neutralize negative messages and emotions.

A good place to start with this technique is by saying something out loud twice a week for two minutes each time. The first sentence should be a simple, short affirmation such as “I am grateful for _________.” Then say the second half of the sentence only once, leaving a gap in between so you don’t get distracted before you say the whole thing.

Use negative reinforcement

how many affirmations at once

When you’re trying to achieve something, telling yourself “I can’t do it” is very counterproductive. Why? Because it sets off what we call avoidance motivation.

You get so distracted by doing everything else that you’ll never actually start doing the thing you said you could not do.

By creating internal conflict, this negativity creates more reasons for failure. It also undermines your own confidence, making it harder to try again later.

In psychology, this mechanism is called cognitive dissonance. And it’s a huge reason why people give up on their dreams.

Negative thinking is a powerful tool in achieving success – but only if you know how to use it properly.

Here are three ways to avoid motivational meltdown caused by negative thoughts.

Use the “golden rule”

how many affirmations at once

In addition to using a short, positive affirmation as your pre-work meditation, some practitioners use what they call an extended affirmative or ultimate goal. This is a longer, more profound statement that you repeat just like a mantra.

The difference is that this one is not about you, it is for someone else. Your new favorite word is actually “beautiful.” Or “kindhearted.” Or “lovable.” These are all qualities of person A, who will have the effect of changing your own perception of them.

This can be very helpful when their bad day becomes famous and people start talking. You could focus on how beautiful they are, or kindhearted, or even how lovable they must be to draw a crowd.